You may have noticed I've been posting photos of the amazing weather we've been enjoying here over the past few weeks. They have mostly been views from the workshop and photos I have taken while out walking. I've been getting lots of comments about Ireland and opinions on the most picturesque parts the country. Well I've decided to take me and my camera further afield! Here's what I'm planning, a few short trips to tourist spots around Ireland, ideally places I have never visited.

I have a few ideas of where we might go, Dublin is definitely on the list as there are lots of interesting tours and attractions that I have missed. Perhaps West Cork and Kerry, while they are on my doorstep I'm sure there are areas I have never explored. After that it's up to you! Let me know where you would like me to go in Ireland. I'll take my trusty camera so I can share my adventures on the blog. Think of your wish list of places when it comes to Ireland and I'll do my very best to visit and will of course report back on the trip. So to borrow a line from 'Gone With the Wind'... 'Where will I go? What will I do?!' Leave me a comment to let me know where in Ireland you'd like to see featured on the website.